NHS England

2d animation motion graphics design studio 3d agency leeds yorkshire manchester

Name of project

Freedom to speak up guardians


Internal audience of NHS professionals at all levels

What we did

Project management, research & concept development, visual development, scripting, design & animation, sound mix & design


90-second animation & subtitled version

2d animation motion graphics design studio 3d agency leeds yorkshire manchester

Playful personalities support speaking up across the NHS.

The problem

We helped introduce the new role of Freedom to Speak Up Guardians to NHS colleagues with this character animation. Health Education England, now part of NHS England, needed the Guardians to feel approachable so colleagues from all across the NHS would feel confident speaking up. The character animation is shared with staff when they first start a new role in the NHS.

Our solution

Our pack of playful personalities humanised the complex topic of speaking up when something isn’t right in the workplace. Using humour, we brought warmth and friendliness to this complex topic, making it more reassuring and memorable. Our script focuses on the emotions that people may feel before speaking up. Then the colourful non-human characters bring a splash of whimsy while not making light of workplace misconduct.

Delivering amazing results

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    views online

Bags of character.

To bring the Guardians to life, we developed a minimal style with bold 2D characters. The characters add a lightness to the messaging through the subtleties of their design and animation. The pacing and timing was an essential aspect of the narrative. So once we had created sketch storyboards, we then put them in a sequence with the voiceover and initial sound design to show the movement of the whole character animation.

2d animation motion graphics design studio 3d agency leeds yorkshire manchester
  • 2d animation motion graphics design studio 3d agency leeds yorkshire manchester
  • 2d animation motion graphics design studio 3d agency leeds yorkshire manchester
  • 2d animation motion graphics design studio 3d agency leeds yorkshire manchester
  • 2d animation motion graphics design studio 3d agency leeds yorkshire manchester
Thank you so much for your flexibility, our timelines are always shifting but you have been accommodating throughout. Everything has been great, really appreciate your attention to detail and understanding of the brief.
— Dipika Patel ​​Senior Communications Manager NHS England
2d animation motion graphics design studio 3d agency leeds yorkshire manchester

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